We all experience tough times in our lives. You never know when hardships may get the best of you. Challenging times may come when you least expect it. Boykins Blessing Box is not meant to replace the need for full service pantries such as The Food Bank. Rather, it is designed to supplement them. Boykins Blessing Box consists of two boxes on Main Street. One when is refrigerated for food and another shed-like box for necessities like soap, toothpaste, diapers, toilet paper and other daily necessities too numerous to list.
Boykins Blessing Box is designed to bless both the giver and the receiver because nothing feels quite as good as helping another person in need. The boxes are open 24/7 and stocked regularly by The Coard Foundation and members of the community. There is no judgement regarding who may donate or who may benefit from their contents.
Take what you need, leave what you can … above all, be blessed!