This month, The Coard Foundation Board voted to help 2 families. We reached out to local organizations to find a deserving family who needed a little help to get through the holidays. We were provided with the name of a struggling single mother for whom we provided financial aid for food and Christmas presents for her young child. We then received word of a local family struggling to make ends meet. So, we also provided financial aid to this family to help towards their utility bills.
Side note: We once again participated in The Boykins Circle of Trees event in the Buck Lassitter Mini Park which has turned out to be a great way to jump start your Christmas spirit through fellowship with friends and neighbors, refreshments and the singing of Christmas carols.
Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year from all of us at The Coard Foundation (Eric Coard, Sandy Coard, Linda Beatty, Renee Lassitter and John Cann)